Event Details

Study in Italy Seminar

Study in Italy Seminar

2024-06-25 11:00 AM

Sunrise Education Consultants Study in Italy Seminar Event

Studying in Italy can be an enriching experience with its rich history, culture, and high-quality education system. If you are considering studying in Italy, here is some content that may be relevant:

Introduction to Italy:

  • Overview of Italy's geographical location, history, and cultural heritage.
  • Highlights of Italy's contributions to art, science, and literature.

Education System:

  • Structure of the Italian education system, including primary, secondary, and tertiary education.
  • Explanation of the Bologna Process and the three-tiered degree system (bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees).

Universities and Institutions:

  • Information about renowned Italian universities and research institutions.
  • Overview of academic programs and fields of study available.

Language of Instruction:

  • Insight into the language of instruction, which is typically Italian, but some programs are offered in English.

Admission Requirements:

  • General requirements for undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  • Language proficiency requirements for international students.

Application Process:

  • Steps involved in the application process.
  • Deadlines for application submissions.
  • Necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement.

Visa and Residence Permits:

  • Information on visa requirements for international students.
  • The process for obtaining a student visa and residence permits.

Cost of Living:

  • Estimated living expenses, including accommodation, food, transportation, and miscellaneous costs.
  • Availability of scholarships, grants, or financial aid for international students.

Accommodation Options:

  • Overview of on-campus and off-campus housing options.
  • Guidance on finding accommodation, including student residences and private rentals.

Cultural and Social Life:

  • Information about Italian culture, traditions, and social norms.
  • Extracurricular activities, clubs, and events for international students.

Healthcare and Insurance:

  • Explanation of healthcare services available to international students.
  • The importance of health insurance coverage during the study period.

Work Opportunities:

  • Regulations regarding part-time work for international students.
  • Opportunities for internships or work placements.

Language and Integration Courses:

  • Availability of language courses for international students.
  • Programs to help students integrate into Italian society.

Post-Study Opportunities:

  • Information on post-graduation work permits and opportunities for staying in Italy after completing studies.
  • Alumni networks and support for transitioning to the workforce.

Safety and Well-being:

  • Safety tips for international students.
  • Emergency services and support available on and off-campus.

Useful Resources:

  • Links to official websites, government resources, and organizations that provide valuable information for international students in Italy.


Time: 11:00 AM

Date:   2024-06-25

Speaker:  MD Durul Huda


Huda Apartment, Banani, Dhaka 1213

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